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Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

At Novel International Co., Limited, we care about your privacy. Because we care, we have adopted the practices described in this Privacy Policy based on the EU General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (hereinafter “GDPR”) and other applicable laws. You should not access the Novel International Co., Limited. website (the “Site”) or use our services until you have carefully read this Privacy Policy and agree to the terms and conditions described in it.

Our Collection and Use of Your Personal Information

Personal Data We Collect:

The types of information we collect, retain, and use include the following:

  • Site Use Information:  In general, you can visit the Site without telling us who you are or revealing any information about yourself. Our web servers collect the domain names, not the email addresses, of visitors.
  • Registration Information You Provide To Us:  When you visit our site we may collect profile information from you (“Personally Identifiable Information”) when you request certain Novel International Co., Limited. materials including corporate logo product photos, and proxy statements.  We require that you provide the following Personally Identifiable Information:
    • Your first and last name;
    • Email address
    • Other information is requested on the applicable registration pages.

At your option, you may voluntarily provide additional information, including address and phone number.  Although you may choose not to provide the optional information to us, it may result in some features not being available to you.

How Long We Keep Your Information:  The criteria used to determine the period of storage of Personal Data is the respective statutory retention period. After the expiration of that period, the corresponding data is routinely deleted, as long as it is no longer necessary for business continuity, the fulfillment or initiation of a contract, or other valid legal purposes.

Why we Collect the Information and Your Data:

  • Site Use Information: This information is aggregated to measure the number of visits, average time spent on the Site, pages viewed, etc. Textron utilizes this information (“behavior profiles”) to measure the use of our Site and to improve the content we offer.
  • Personal Data: By providing this Personal Data to us, you explicitly agree to our collection and usage of such information as described in this Privacy Policy. We use your Personal Data to deliver email alerts if you opt-in to receive them and to respond to your inquiries.

Email Communications:
When providing your name and email address on the Contact Us form on our website an email is generated to respond to you. The Contact Us log file data is deleted after 12 months. 

Like many websites, we use “cookies” to enable us to remember your password, to help us identify the portions of our Site that may be the most relevant to your needs, and to help us identify other products or services that may be of interest to you or others. A cookie is a small piece of information that a website can store on your web browser and then retrieve at a later time. We use cookies to track the portions of our Site you visit. However, we do NOT use cookies to examine your surfing behavior before or after you leave our Site. There are products commercially available that are designed to help you disable cookies. Although we want you to be aware that such products exist, please note that if you choose to use them we will not be able to provide you with a personalized service, and it may result in certain features and services not being available to you.

Provision of the website and creation of logfiles

Every time our website is accessed, our system automatically collects data and information from the computer system of the calling computer. Here, the following data is collected:

  1. Information about the browser type and version used
  2. The IP address of the user
  3. Date and time of access

The data is also stored in the log files of our system. Storage of this data together with other personal data of the user does not take place.

The temporary storage of the IP address by the system is necessary to allow delivery of the website to the computer of the user. Therefore the user’s IP address must be kept for the duration of the session. Storage in log files is done to ensure the functionality of the website. In addition, the data is used to optimize the website and to ensure the security of our information technology systems. An evaluation of the data for marketing purposes does not take place in this context.

Child Privacy
Because of the nature of our business, our products and services are not designed to appeal to minors, and therefore we do not knowingly attempt to solicit or receive any information from children. Our terms and conditions of use require that any registration may only be made by those age 18 or older and that any product or service purchases may only be made by those age 18 or older. If we have reason to believe that information is being provided by a child under the age of 18, Textron Inc. will not collect the information without parental consent or parent notification, which will include the opportunity for the parent to prevent the use of the information or to prevent the child’s participation in the activity. Without parental consent, online information will only be used to respond to an unsolicited request and for no other purposes. We recognize that protecting children’s identities and privacy online is important and that the responsibility to do so rests with both the online industry and with parents.

Restrictions on Disclosing Information to Third Parties

We are not in the business of selling your Personal Data to others.

  • Site Use Information: We may share with third parties experiential information or other data that does not personally identify users of our site. For example, this might include the product or service preferences of all visitors to our site.
  • Personal Data: We do not reveal Personal Data about you to unaffiliated third parties, unless:
  1. you request or authorize it;
  2. the information is provided to help complete a transaction for you;
  3. the information is provided to comply with the law, applicable regulations, court orders, or subpoenas, to enforce our Terms of Use or other agreements, or to protect our rights, property, or safety or the rights, property, or safety of our users or others (e.g., to a consumer reporting agency for fraud protection, etc.);
  4. the disclosure is done as part of a purchase, transfer, or sale of services or assets (e.g., if substantially all of our assets are acquired by another party, customer information may be one of the transferred assets); or
  5.  the information is provided to our agents, outside vendors, or service providers to perform functions on our behalf (e.g., analyzing data, providing marketing assistance, providing customer service, etc.).

Security Procedures to Protect Information

We maintain numerous security standards and procedures to help prevent unauthorized access to confidential information about you. Our site uses a combination of encryption technology and authentication to protect your Data. As long as the web browser you are using supports Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), your information will be submitted to us with a high level of security. We update and test our security technology on an ongoing basis. We have procedures limiting employee access to Personally Identifiable Information to those employees who have a business reason to know such information about you.

It is also important for you to help protect against unauthorized access by signing off of our Site each time you finish using the Site.

Inapplicability of Privacy Policies of any Linked Sites or Other Parties

Novel’s site may contain links to other sites, This Privacy Policy only addresses Novel’s use and disclosure of your Personally Identifiable Information collected on this site. While we try to link only to sites that share our standards and respect for privacy, we are not responsible for the privacy practices of any third parties or the content of linked sites, and we encourage you to read the applicable privacy policies and terms and conditions of such parties or web sites.

Your Rights to the Information We Collect

This Privacy Notice is intended to provide you with information about what personal data is collected about you on this site and how it is used. If you wish to confirm the processing of your data or to have access to the personal data that this site may have about you, please contact us at

You may also request information about the purpose of the processing; the categories of personal data concerned; what the source of the information was (if you didn’t provide it directly to the site); and how long it will be stored. You have a right to correct (rectify) the record of your data maintained by the site if it is inaccurate. You may request the site erase that data or cease processing it, subject to certain exceptions. You may also request we cease using your data for direct marketing purposes. When technically feasible, Novel International Co., Limited will—at your request—provide your data to you or transmit it directly to another controller.

Reasonable access to your data will be provided at no cost upon request made to If access cannot be provided within a reasonable time frame, we will provide you with a date when the information will be provided. If for some reason access is denied, we will explain why access has been denied.

Terms of Use, Notices, and Changes to Our Privacy Policy

In the event of any conflict between the terms of this Privacy Policy and the Terms of Use, then the Terms of Use shall control.

As our business changes, this Privacy Policy and the Terms of Use are expected to change from time to time, and we reserve the right to change the Privacy Policy and Terms of Use at any time. The use of your information is subject to the Privacy Policy and Terms of Use in effect at the time of use. The provisions contained herein supersede all previous notices or statements regarding our privacy practices concerning this Site. We may email periodic reminders of our notices and terms and conditions and post any changes to the Privacy Policy and the Terms of Use on our Site. We encourage you to check our Site frequently to see the current Privacy Policy and Terms of Use in effect and any changes that may have been made to them.

How to Contact Us with Questions About this Policy

To contact us regarding any questions about this site you may contact us at



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